Saturday, August 13, 2011

Countdown to Surgery

We finally got the news we have been waiting what seems like a lifetime to hear (well I guess it really has been a lifetime....Landon's lifetime). Landon's surgery to reconnect his intestines has been scheduled for Monday! We are both excited and nervous and cautiously optimistic. There is always a chance that his surgery could get bumped for another emergency so we will be worried until he is actually wheeled down to the operating room.

He has had a great week so far, although he has needed oxygen again due to some electrolyte issues. We are not too worried about that because when he goes to surgery he will need to be put back on the vent anyway so a little oxygen right now is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

The surgery is a scary and daunting thing. We know it is necessary for him to get well enough to go home but it is also a huge risk. The surgeons and doctors have counseled us well. This is a big surgery and he will get pretty sick after it. He won't look like himself and will need to be heavily sedated to make sure he is comfortable and doesn't hurt himself or pull out his ventilator tube. It is completely up to Landon how long it will take for him to recover. He may be on the ventilator for a few days or it could be months. This is because once his intestines are back in his stomach, there will be less room for his lungs to breathe. Since he already has breathing issues, surgery could make these issues worse.

Once again we find ourselves wondering what the future will hold for us. I remember sitting on bed rest wishing for it to just be over so I could know what was going to happen. Not knowing is worse then dealing with a hard outcome. At least when a hard outcome happens, you just deal with it versus worrying about the unknown where you can do nothing about it. It is hard to play with my baby today who is so active and happy and know the terrible pain he will be in in just two days. I wish I could take that pain away from him. My heart breaks knowing that he will go to sleep and wake up with a tube down his throat and a giant scar on his belly. What will he think? How long will it take for him to be the sweet baby we have come to know over the past 4 months?

I know there are angels looking out for my Landon. I sometimes notice him looking up in the corner of the room at the ceiling and smiling. There is nothing there that I can see, but I like to think there is his guardian angel or maybe another baby angel watching him and giving him the strength to fight. We continue to pray for patience and faith in God's plan for our little man. It is all we can really do.

In the meantime, I must borrow words from another preemie mom. I hope she doesn't mind me borrowing them as preemie moms are a special society of women who have a shared an experience that very few can understand. We say these words to our Landon that she said to her daughter and hope for his continued strength to fight.

Landon is a good boy. A strong boy. A fighter. Mommy and Daddy are not giving up, don't you give up. People will tell you you can't do things. They are wrong. Don't listen to them. This is the hardest thing you will ever do in your life, the hardest thing I have ever asked of anyone. It will be worse before it is better. But I promise you, I promise that we are right beside you. You are not ever alone. When I am not here, you are in my heart and always always on my mind. If you can get through this, I promise you that there is a wonderful life waiting on the other side. You are so loved and wanted. We will make this up to you. We will make this fight worthwhile.


  1. Okay now you went and did it...You made me cry. I can only imagine the pain you guys are going through. My mother and father had to see me through open heart surgery when I was 5 with the doctors saying I only had a 50% chance. God was with our family all those years ago and I know he has something special for Landon to accomplish in this world so I know Landon will make it through this surgery. You and Ryan have taught me so much Tracy you will never know. Looking at pictures of Landon make me smile and your joking in the midst of all this makes you my hero. I always thought I was a strong person but compared to you and Ryan I know I couldn't go through this. I am so in love with Landon and I pray every night for him. I find myself during the day wondering what you three are doing.(Does that make me a stalker?) I have faith that Landon will be able to be home soon. My prayers will be with you and Landon tomorrow, Tracy you are concerned about his pain...the doctors will make sure he isn't in pain. I wish I could see the future, I guess this is where the strong faith that you, your family and all your friends have will get Landon through this surgery. Look at what he has already accomplished. He is a fighter and he knows how much love is around him. He WILL make it through this and in a few years when he is tearing through your house you won't mind him breaking your favorite lamp, tearing up Ryans paperwork and puking and peeing on you. Please know that I have asked all my sisters to pray for Landon tomorrow and I have a friend who has a prayer group in Mexico that will be praying for him. I love you guys and as usual ...Keep the faith,

  2. You have me crying too Tracy with your beautiful words. I have you all in my prayers. I love you Landon, my sweet little boy.
