Friday, October 7, 2011

The Long Road Home

After 180 days in the NICU, countless sleepless nights, 3 surgeries, 2 broken bones, 76 days on a ventilator and many many answered prayers our little lion man CAME HOME on last Friday. We are still adjusting to being the parent, doctor, nurse, and pharmacist all rolled into one, so I wasn't able to get on as soon as I would like to post the indescribably happy news. We are pretty tired and a wee bit shell shocked, but Landon is just thriving! He smiles and coos at us, grabs for toys, and is starting to hold his own pacifier (a day we have been waiting for almost as long as homecoming day :). We were told he would progress by leaps and bounds when he got home, but I didn't expect to see the results in so few days. That is just me not learning my lesson to never be surprised by what Landon can accomplish.

Although we are ecstatic to be home, it felt like we were leaving our family in the NICU. For the past six months the staff in the NICU have been our friends and family. We know there aren't enough words to express the gratitude deserved for what they did. We saw most of the people who played a part in getting Landon home in the last few days in the NICU. Several shared with us that there were a few times where they weren't sure how a baby could survive as sick as Landon had been at times. I like to think everyone in that NICU felt a sense of purpose on Friday as we wheeled out. 

Our very special thanks went to Landon's primary nurses: Kimmy (his other mother), Pam, Barb, Anne, Theresa, and Barb K. These women saved our son's life on countless occasions. No matter how sick he was they fought for him and acted to do what was in his best interest. This baby is alive today because of them and I know we will pray for them every day for the rest of our lives hoping that God gives them the graces they deserve for taking care of little man. 

We were also blessed with extraordinary doctors, respiratory therapists, a physical therapist, pharmacist, social workers, lactation consultants and nutritionist.  These people put up with our craziness, comforted us when we were overwhelmed, and allowed us to be a very real part of Landon's care plan. His attending docs: Dr. D, Dr C., Dr. A, Dr. B., Dr. Ana. Dr. Rich, Dr. Keith, Dr. Megan, and Dr. G. His neonatology fellows: Shawna, Stephen, Karen, Scott, Stephanie, Jenny, and Allison were truly sent by God to help us through this journey. They believed in Landon at times where our hope would wane and helped us to continue the very rewarding fight. More importantly, they also always had time to come and talk to us even if it meant teasing from us (talking to you Stephen) His interns and residents: Megan, Coughie, Brendan, Nancy, Sarah, James, Yu, Sarah, Tony, Courtney and Brian (and many more that my sleep deprived brain cannot recall) were the first line of defense in his case and were so amazing at making sure we knew what was going on with baby.

Lastly, we had all of you reading this blog, our friends and family and their friends and family and other preemie moms (especially Christyn, Ryan, and Baby Peyton!) who know exactly what we were going through. People often tell us how hard this must have been and it certainly was, but I have to admit we are soooo lucky. We had family to support us, were located within miles of one of the best (if not the best) NICUs in the country, had stable jobs and phenomenal insurance to support us. It was an easy fight with all of these resources. It is days like these where you actually get to see God's plan by seeing my little guy at home that we prayed for the last 6 months. Thank you again for all of your support. I look forward to posting more about Landon's progress in the coming weeks!


  1. Hi there Tracy,
    I m a FTM as well to a 4month old boy he was full term.I came across ur blog on babycenter and read about ur gorgeous gorgeous baby!! He is so very special and I have so much respect for u and ur husband and what you 3 went through.I have been checking your blog everyday for this great great news!I m so very happy for u momma!!hang in there I pray for this handsome little guy Landon everyday!
    Much luv and do keep us posted
    Viv's mommy

  2. Loving the new pics to your guys at HOME!!! Yay! Praise God! So excited for you all. Hope you are getting used to life at home with Landon. Is he a good sleeper? Continued prayers and hugs sent your way. Love you all.

  3. Nice post! Keep the updates coming!
