Sunday, September 25, 2011


It has been a bit of time since I last wrote. Although I know many people are anxious for updates because you have fallen in love with Landon like his mommy and daddy have, it is a good thing that I haven't posted. I haven't had much time between getting the house ready for him TO COME HOME and winding down work so I can go back on leave to spend time with Landon AT HOME.

Landon has officially been designated a feeder/grower in the NICU. Babies who are feeder/growers are ready to go home as long as they are showing growth and tolerating their food. We are now just waiting for Landon to finish the transition from bring fed continuously through the tube in his nose to his stomach to being fed every 3 hours through a combination of bottle feeding and nose tube feeding. Basically we are on pins and needles praying he doesn't puke up his feeding. His poor little tummy needs to learn to accomodate a large amount of food at once rather than the tiny amounts he got continuously.

On the upside, this transition is allowing him to start bottle feeding better because he now gets hungry between feedings, something that didn't happen before when there was always food in his tummy. He gets so hungry that he forgets he doesn't like the bottle and hungrily sucks it down. He still has issues with coordination and can't take his full feed in the bottle, but we hope to get him to be able to do so in the next few months.

It is hard to imagine that we are so close to going home. As long as nothing crazy happens (and with Landon I wouldn't be shocked), we should be going home in the next two weeks possibly even sooner if he decides to cooperate (for the first time in his life :). His room is done and his little baby clothes are washed and ready to be worn. All frantically done this weekend when we realized how close we are to home.

Now that we have mastered life in the NICU, we have to face the unknown once again when we are home. Everyone has told us that babies do so much better at home and we can't wait to see what Landon thinks of his room and doggie! We are learning how to change his feeding tube and give him his meds. We will also have oxygen and possibly a monitor to let us know his oxygen levels. Not exactly things most people have to deal with in the first nights home with a new baby, but we are so grateful to be going home, we can't complain!

Sometimes it feels like the last 8 months of our lives have been on hiatus. Once baby is home, we will finally take the pause button off our life and start living again. We are nervous to learn how to be parents without the assistance of doctors, nurses, and monitors. We have been very well prepared and I am confident we can do this, though that doesn't take away the anxiety! I hope my next post is the one we have all been waiting for....


  1. Ahhh, you put nurse Kimmy with Landon. Landon is going to miss her

  2. Tracy and Ryan,
    I am so thrilled to hear that Landon will be going home. I know how scared I was when I took Nick home. He had colic and was a real handful. I wasn't a natural mom like you are Tracy. Look at what you have been through and look at where you are now. I know that Landon will have special needs for a while and I have no doubt that you and Ryan will be great with him at home. If you have questions you have so many people who love you and will be there for your family. I use to check on Nick by putting a mirror under his nose while he slept to make sure he was breathing:) I"m sure all you parents out there did strange things when you brought your first baby home. You will get past the fears and realize that you can't break him. Landon has had a long and difficult beginning to his life so you know he is a fighter. Just wait til he starts crawling, then walking and learning how to say no. Try to really hold him tight and enjoy the first year because time goes so fast. Don't spend it in fear. Landon is strong and he is a miracle God has given you. Like I said earlier, you and Ryan are already great parents. Everything is going to be fine just keep the Faith. Love You Guys

  3. I want to know where the pictures are of me with Landon ehhh? I'm no Kimmy ... but what am I chopped liver? :) I'm looking for an updated countdown ...

  4. Just heard Landon was finally kicked out of the hospital and is at home. IS IT TRUE IS HE REALLY IN HIS OWN CRIB???????? YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
