Sunday, September 11, 2011

Landon the Wonder Baby

First, I have to wish a happy birthday to my wonderful father and Landon's loving papa! Today was a day for reflection for a lot of people. Remembering where you were 10 years ago when life as we knew it changed and trying to remember my 20 year old self has been interesting. I can honestly say I never envisioned my life would be quite the way it is now 10 years later, but I imagine those who lost people on 9/11 never imagined their lives to change the way they did on that morning 10 years ago. However, you hear how people survived and grew and thrived out of that tragedy and I know we can continue to do the same.

This week was certainly a test of our strength and resolve. Ryan likens it to being the last month of senior year of high school and you just keep failing the one test you need to pass to graduate. Our little wonder boy continues to amaze us, though this week I think I was once again amazed how this baby can manage to get every complication possible. At the beginning of this week we were hoping to start planning for Landon's homecoming. His nurse Kimmy had taken a vacation for the last 10 days and fully expected to come in on Monday ready to give us the boot out of the NICU. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Landon was tolerating his food really well and even taken a good portion of his food by bottle rather than through the Gtube. I even tried breastfeeding him and he did a wonderful job! The joy from this moment was diminished when I realized I was all wet. I thought it was because Landon peed on me (has happened a few times) but instead I realized it was all of the breastmilk he had just consumed coming out from around the hole of the Gtube. Although we were told a leaky tube was a possible complication of the Gtube, it was a rare complication. I should have known as soon as the word 'rare' was used, we would be in trouble.

Normally, a leaky tube is treated by securing the tube so the skin can heal. However, Landon decided to take leaky to a new level when a large portion of his food and meds would come out of the hole. The bigger complication was that stomach acid is like battery acid to the skin. My poor baby's skin began to burn away in a bigger and bigger hole. It looked so angry and possibly infected. The docs had to put another tube in Landon's nose past his stomach to feed him because they couldn't feed him with the Gtube while it was leaking. This was incredibly frustrating as I didn't want the Gtube in his stomach to begin with and now it wasn't working. They had to take the Gtube out because the skin was so eroded away it couldn't support the tube anymore. This means we will end up taking him home with a tube that goes from his nose to his stomach until he can take all of his food by bottle.

The worst part is that we have had to hold off on feeding him by bottle while his stomach heels. Every day without a bottle is another day closer to him losing the ability to suck and feed himself with a bottle or by breastfeeding. He also had to go on some heavy antibiotics just in case there is an infection at the hole site. This needs to be healed before we can plan on going home. It is so hard because we were so close to going home and can't stand one more set back.

On the upside, Landon is much more happy now that the Gtube is out. He even got to go outside in a stroller ride! When we returned from it his nurse laughingly wondered whether we would come back from our walk or make a run for it. I'll admit I thought about it! He also discovered a fascination with mirrors. He loves staring at himself in the mirror and is so funny when he looks at me in the mirror and then turns his head to see me out of the mirror. He sees two mamas and doesn't get which is the real one! He is so smart.

I also have to give a quick shout out to a few people this week. I will admit I may have had a minor meltdown with the Gtube drama. The irony is not lost on me that I managed to make it through everything else, but fall apart at a skin problem. Our nurses Kathy, Kimmy, Pam, Paula and Barb kept me sane while helping me to figure out how to make Landon most comfortable. I think we paged our surgeons Dr. Keith and Dr. Ana a million times to look at his stomach and they never seemed annoyed with us and were wonderful to talk to us and explain our options. We also had Dr. Brendan and Dr. Shawna who worked with the surgeons until we came up with a plan that made everyone happy. We are so lucky to have all of these wonderful people in our lives! I hope I did not forget anyone but in my defense if I did, I managed to get a slight concussion running into a metal pole while escaping a genetically engineered monster spider in the basement. (Dr. Megan came for a visit with baby today and assured me that the part of my brain that I smashed is the personality part and I have plenty of that so I should be fine haha).


  1. I know how frustrating it is to be so close to leaving the NICU, only to have a setback. Even though our experience with that drastically pales in comparison to everything you've gone through, I can empathize with you, to a small degree.

    I am thankful these setbacks happened while you were still at the hospital, instead of at home. I sure you are too. As hard as it is to believe this, God's timing will be perfect and He has a plan. Keep strong. :)

  2. There is nothing in the world that compares to a sleeping baby on one's chest!

  3. I just want you to know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers. You have a little fighter! I live in Colorado and had a 26 week baby girl in February, we spent 18 weeks in the NICU and Scarlett had many of the same setbacks as Landon. My heart aches for you, I know too well the feeling that you'll never get out of there. But you have an inspiring attitude, and I truly believe that it keeps Landon strong. I will continue to pray for your family and for healing for baby Landon.

  4. Hi Tracey and Ryan,
    It hurts my heart to hear when Landon is struggling with another problem. I don't know if I could get through it as well as you are. It's okay to breakdown once in a while. I would be in a corner curled and the doctors would have to sedate me. You guys are the strongest people i know. I am in Awe of Landon and how he overcomes all his problems that people don't go through in a lifetime. You have a fighter there. I really try not to question why Landon is going through all this. Maybe it is giving people hope if they are struggling with medical issues. When I saw Landon looking in the mirror it really made me laugh. I pray every night that you can start experiencing his first at home...fist smile,discovering the mirror and so many other things that a newborn does, I know that all the love and prayers that surrounds your family will have Landon home soon. I'm sure the highs and lows in his life has taken ac toll on you. Someone once told me that when there was something I couldn't handle I should turn it over to God. HE is always there for you. KEEP THE FAITH!!! I love you guys and Landon has a very special piece of mt heart. I can't wait to meet him.
